Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The saga continues...

Bexar/Bear update:

He is truly a mystery of modern veterinary medicine. First it was arthritis, then it was a slipped disc, then it was a brain tumor/cancer, then there was the great starvation scare of September. Did I mention that all of this was since May 2010? He went in for a follow-up exam and since we've ruled out brain tumors/cancer, there's a new (suspected) diagnosis, complete with a whole new set of symptoms: MENINGITIS!!!!

Yes, you read right, the doc thinks the lining of our boy's (pea-sized) brain is inflamed. Now what's causing that inflammation could be a host of things, but according to Dr. Buss, it's likely caused by a tic or bug bite. All of this based on the fact that he had trouble turning his neck 180 degrees to the side and snapped at the doc when he pinched his spine region. So in lieu of a SPINAL TAP (and the inevitable post anesthesia near death experience), we are just treating the most likely suspected cause of this suspected illness and keeping our fingers crossed.

If this turns out not to cure what ails him, I am going to try to get a 2-for-1 psychotherapist deal for our hypochondriac dog and his "crazy dog lady" owner.

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