Thursday, June 6, 2013

And we shall call it....

Yes, ladies and gents, we have been keeping a bit of a secret over here. And we haven't been keeping it well, because if you know us even slightly in real life, you have known for quite some time that we are expecting baby #2. I am about 12.5 weeks along and she/he is due 12/17. To say we are excited is an understatement!
To answer the questions that I always seem to get when people receive the news:
1). I am feeling ok. Tired, a little nauseous (but that's getting better), irritable, and generally out of it. The last one being the main reason I haven't posted much. I just can't seem to put a coherent thought together. That, in addition to the fact that all amusing tales of the past 12 weeks have an element of the pregnancy in them, leads to radio silence.
2) Yes, this was planned. Very planned, actually. Since I met my deductible by the end of January, I figured this was the perfect time (financially) to go for it. I told Rick we had a 3 month window to have this baby FOR FREE (well, not really) so we hopped to it. Needless to say, this baby WILL COME in this calendar year. Momma ain't paying two deductibles! And in my heart I knew I always wanted to at least try for a sibling for Annie.
3) Yes, we will be finding out the gender. I know, I know, there are so few good surprises left in this world, and I totally agree. We just get our surprise a bit earlier. And when you are going to be jamming two kids into one room and you will need to purge massively if this baby is of the male persuasion, getting this information up front is key. And Rick can't handle not-knowing.
4) If I had to guess, I would say Boom is a boy, which would be a minor miracle in our family of xx chromosomes, but time will tell. Obviously we would be thrilled either way.
5) If it's a boy, we will likely be telling the name since we pretty much told people what Annie's boy name was after she was born.
6) No, I am not showing yet. Unless by "showing" you mean I look like I have had a boob job and like my face exploded 10x it's normal size, in which case, then yes, I am showing. 
I think that about covers it! I will try to do weekly Boom updates on Tuesdays this go-round since that's our official "new week" day. Time will tell if I am as regular about it as I was the first go-round.


  1. Super and Boom. Both excellent names.

  2. Boom is perfect! I am so excited to follow you guys along this new adventure. And you can take notes and guide me through life with 2 kids when my time comes.
