Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Top o' the morning!

So I am not sure when it started, maybe a month or so ago, but my 8 year old niece Parker and I talk on the phone every morning before I get to work. We normally discuss very important issues like bedtimes, plans for the day at summer camp, and if today is a pool day or an activities day. Parker is very polite and always asks me what I am doing that day, to which the answer never changes, "I am headed to work, BLAHHHH." She politely giggles and we carry on. Parker is normally a somewhat reserved child, which is why I love these phone calls. She doesn't just talk on the phone to anyone, so this makes Aunt K feel very special.

I did notice today that Parker's becoming quite the little comedian, whether it's intentional or not, I am still not sure:

K: how long were you at your grandma's house last night?

P: I am not sure, I think we left somewhere around 8:23.

This exchange exemplifies two key Parker personality traits: she is currently obsessed with clocks, and she is nothing if not precise. One day she will make an excellent expert witness.

The conversation continued on to the plans for the day, at which time Parker explained her frustration at the different plans for her and Chloe (her 6 year old sister, who is not interested in talking to her Aunt K at 8 in the morning):

P: I am going to camp today, and we're having a bbq.

K: That sounds fun, but it's going to be hot!

P: I KNOW! And Chloe gets to go to a pool with one of her friends and I have to go to this bbq that's outside and it's going to be so hot it will probably KILL me!

K: I don't think it will kill you.

P: I know, but a pool would be nice.

So maybe the propensity for brief moments of exaggeration will keep our gal off the witness stand after all. Talk to you tomorrow, P!

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