Thursday, July 29, 2010

Be Careful What You Wish For...

Yesterday, in what's becoming a more and more infrequent moment of work slacking-off, I noticed on the trusty-dusty REI monthly calendar that the Urban Assault Ride (UAR) is coming back to St. Louis this August. More specifically, August 15th! We missed the UAR last year because we were at Camp Longhorn Alumni Camp in Texas (rough life). HOWEVER, this year, we have opted to not go to camp because I have already used up all my vacation days as of mid-May (I get 3 weeks....again, rough life). But as they say, when God closes a door, he opens a window.

Well, it might be a bit much to think that God has any interest in our vacation plans or weekend activities, but I was sure if he did, he would want us to participate in this tour of our fair St. Louis. After all, the City Museum is one of the stops for the ride and my sweet Ricker is the director of said Museum. While he might not be too thrilled about it, I thought this was a perfect time to show off our big-wheel riding, wet sponge throwing skillz. We have those skillz, I am sure of it. I mentioned it last night to Ricker and the response was a luke warm "I'll look into it." I received similar responses from my parents growing up when I asked for a pony.

I just got a text from my loving husband, who does not want to deny his doting wife of anything her heart desires (except a dachshund, but that's still being "looked into"-or so I keep telling myself), that Team Erwin is signed up for this bike-powered-New Belgium-un-routed obstacle course ALL OVER our city. What could go wrong? Beer, bikes, and big wheels....bring it!


  1. This is weird reading about yourselves.

    Yeah, I don't know what the deal is with those dachshunds. Nobody ever responds to my emails or calls about them.

  2. Well, as long as you looked into it darlin', that's all that matters.
