Wednesday, July 10, 2013

17 weeks-Plus the week from hell

There's really not a huge amount to report from ye ole pregnancy camp. Boom is progressing nicely, my backside is also progressing right along with him. Since we are all experts on this pregnancy thing (ha!) and I am not throwing fruit references in your face every minute, I am not sure what else to inform you all about. I went for a checkup on 7/8 and all was well. I think I have gained 9 pounds total, which is....whatever. Right now I am pretty much at the weight I was when I got pregnant with Annie so I feel pretty good about that. I wear some maternity clothes, some regular clothes/pants but with a belly band because those darn buttons are just so far apart. I have this weird shoulder pain when I sleep, but usually I am so exhausted I just power right through that shiz.

Speaking of sleeping......

A week from this past Sunday Aunt Shisha was over at the house. We were discussing options for moving things around in Annie/Boom's room. Just on a lark, we moved the toddler bed to the dormer/window nook. I don't know if it was because it was a new space, or she liked the cozy security of having two walls on either side of her, but all of a sudden, Annie was hot to trot to sleep in that bed.

I should mention that Annie was a bit groggy on this day and felt a little warm, so perhaps this was a fever-induced decision that all parties will come to regret in the near future. Dum-dum-DUMMMMM!

So Sunday night, and just about every night for the next five nights, were torture. Like newborn torture, but worse because the only thing more horrifying than a newborn waking you up with their sad shrieks every hour is your toddler doing the same, but screaming "NO! NO! NO! MOMMY! DADDY!" at the top  of their lungs. That'll get your heart racing at 3 in the morning.

After fever on Sunday-Tuesday, sometimes as high as 104, I took her in Tuesday afternoon to get checked out. Ears and throat were clear, so we were advised to just wait it out. Of course, Annie had the energy of an Olympic gymnast on speed during our doctor's visit, so it made Dr. Eaton a little less concerned about her 102 degree fever at the time.

By Wednesday night, I remember getting really concerned at bedtime. She just seemed so miserable, and refused to go back to her crib. I was worried that there was something wrong and that we would have to undergo additional tests if the fever wasn't gone by Friday. I remember being so concerned that I had trouble falling asleep. But then my crazy tired pregnant brain kicked in when, each and every time I would be thisclose to falling asleep, Annie would wake up screaming. I went from being a worried parent to being convinced my child was purposefully inflicting mental torture on me. Those charmers at Guantanamo Bay could take a few pages from the toddler bed transition playbook. By the end of the night/morning, I was ready to confess all my sins and turn in every member of my family for the various crimes I was convinced they had committed against humanity, if I could only just get 4 hours of uninterrupted sleep.

But as all things go with toddlers, things turned around fairly quickly.

No fever on Friday, and she's been sleeping like a champ in her big girl bed ever since. Probably sleeping better than she did in the crib. She doesn't get out and she sleeps about 45 minutes longer in the morning. It really is delightful.

I have no advice for parents transitioning to a toddler bed. So anyone that googles "how to transition to a toddler bed" and ends up on this blog, my apologies. Consider this more of a cautionary tale. Make sure your child is in perfect health, make sure you can consume alcohol during the process, and make sure there are grandparents in town to save your ass from going crazy in the event it all goes totally sideways like ours did. And good luck!

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