Thursday, April 11, 2013

Toddler Theatrics

We are going through a phase at Casa de Erwin. I believe the experts call it "testing what shiz you can get away with". I like to call it "Let's Find Mommy's Limits". Annie's always trying new and fun exciting things like executing a near-perfect trust fall into me on her way down the stairs or mashing a banana into her head. These toddlers are a strange breed, yo.

And she's really picked up a lot of new words and phrases, which, I guess, is what they are supposed to be doing. I should probably pick up some sort of toddler development pamphlet or something. But she seems to be developing at lightning speed right now so ain't nobody got time for a development book.

Her newly developed language skills and boundary pushing were shown this morning as she yelled various things from her crib (before you think we let her languish in there for hours, this litany was spouted off in approximately 90 seconds):

Ahhhh done! (all done)
Mommeeeee/Daddeeeee (x1,256)
Ella! (yelled until she found cinderella)
MIMI! (yelled until she found mimi/binkie)

Then when she realized our parental response time was not to her satisfaction:


This got Rick's attention and he came bounding up the stairs. I was in the bathroom right next to her door and could see her on the monitor, so I knew she was fine. I hear him swoop in:

R: Hey! What's wrong?
A: Bites?

Apparently the emergency was that it was past her preconceived acceptable breakfast hour. Perhaps it's time for the ol' "Boy Who Cried Wolf" tale around these parts.


  1. Chase does the yelling phase as well. She'll yell about things until she realizes we're not going to get her and then pulls the, "I've gotta go potty!!!!!" which gets her out of the crib in an instant. She likes to pull that at night as well. I dread the summer when she's going to switch to the toddler bed and can get herself out of her crib...merg.

  2. Oh, Annie, you really need to come to Philadelphia and visit us - you and Avery can test limits together and maybe Avery can show you her perfected tantrums because after having them 1,453,654 times a day, perfection is unavoidable. I bet you have a few tricks you can teach her too. It definitely makes my heart burst when she wakes up and calls for Da-da and I go to get her and she rolls over crying "Nooooooo!" - I feel the same way these days, kid.
