Monday, April 1, 2013


Because it has taken me 15 years to learn that the local grocery store chain is closed on Easter, I sent Rick to the store on Saturday for Easter provisions, which were primarily pastries and mimosa fixin's.

Side note: I would like to add that Chaney and Liza's families joined us for the day and were aware that we were making mimosas. I advised that if they wanted to get serious, they might want to bring extra. Both brought extra bottles of champagne. No extra orange juice. Priorities, people.

The pastries were no problem because that's something that's in Rick's wheelhouse. He excels at pastry procurement. Champagne is another story. Apparently it took quite a while to even locate this in the store and, when located, he was forced to call me to assist in the decision making process.

I chose to take advantage of this weak spot during our preparations on Sunday morning:

K: Did you get non-alcoholic champagne on purpose (mustering up my most scary disapproving wife face)?
R: No! What? Is that even a thing? I got what you told me to get!
K: April Fools!
R: There are 31 days in March, Kaly.

Joke's on me.


  1. Thirty days hath September,
    April, June and November;
    February has twenty eight alone
    All the rest have thirty-one
    Except in Leap Year, that's the time
    When February's Days are twenty-nine

  2. Sadly, NA champagne is a thing. A terrible, terrible thing that should not be legal.

  3. Also, we are going to your house next Easter. MIMOSAS!
