Monday, January 21, 2013


Annie's not afraid of much. Not dogs, not the dark, not huge slides at City Museum.

Maybe veggies, but that's more an animosity than a fear.

Proper parent-assisted sliding technique. Don't ever let them ride on your lap. Email for details.

So imagine my surprise when I overheard Annie yelling "No! NO! NOOOO!" during bath time, followed by furious splashing. I went in to check on the ruckus and Rick explained that she was afraid of the red towel lint that was in the tub. These things were tiny. The size of...well, tiny specs of towel lint.

Rick dutifully fished 2 of them out and bath time continued. But then a third was spotted. Panic. Thrashing. Splashing. Which makes it difficult to retrieve said spec of towel lint. But Ricker did it and showed it to Annie on his finger tip.

I watched as she cautiously approached his hand, and slowly reached out for the super-scary tiny wet towel lint. She delicately plucked it from his finger (hey there fine motor skills!) and inspected it for herself.

And then she ate it.

Maybe she is fearless after all.

1 comment:

  1. Readers of "Adventures of the Erwins" are also invited to contact me if they don't believe what Rick "Safety First" Erwin has to say about proper sliding techniques.
