Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Thank you-2.5 Months

Oh John,

I am so sorry. You are so neglected on this blog. But I wanted to take a second (because that's really all we have these days) to say thank you. Thank you for being such an incredibly good baby. You are so sweet and are always smiling. This could partially be because your big sister is constantly one millimeter away from your nose screaming "SMILE JOHN!!!!!! JOHNNNNN, SMIIIILLLLLLE!" Every once in a while you manage to get your little baby fingers tangled in her hair. That'll teach her to get so close.

I hear these horror stories from mothers, telling of how their baby can't be put down, wouldn't sleep for more than 30 minutes at a time, wouldn't stop crying, had colic, wouldn't let anyone else feed them/wouldn't take a bottle, wouldn't sleep unless they were held...the list is endless. All the while I am holding my sweet little boy a little tighter while they eye you like a hungry person eyes a sandwich. I really do feel like we won the baby lottery. Again, thank you.

You transitioned to Jen's house very easily. A little too easily, if you ask me. Part of me was hoping to hear that you wanted your Mom, but you are so easy going that it wasn't to be. I guess I am even more happy that you are so content all the time. You have started taking a monster nap in the afternoon from around 10:30-1:30. Unfortunately, there are only a few days of the week where your slumber isn't interrupted with us throwing you into your car seat to shuttle your big sister somewhere. You second babies get no respect.

You are still in size 1 diapers, you weighed 13 lbs 6 oz (70th %) and were 24 inches long (83rd %) at your 2 month check up. Your head was a whopping 16.5 inches (96%). Doctor Eaton confirmed that you are perfect and have no issues growing. Music to my ears.

You are a great sleeper and go to bed around 7 each night. We then get up for one feeding at around 3-4 and then back to bed until 7. Lately you have been so charming after our middle of the night session and smile and coo at me. I am on to you and know you are trying to keep me up, and believe me, mister, it is very tempting. But no one wins when Mom is tired.

Oh look, so sweet.....

.....until she looks like she wants to bite your head off.
My little man.
Let's be honest, these are going to be more around the half month mark. 2.5 months old in this pic.
You hate the swaddle, but can't sleep without it. Or can't sleep for more than 15 seconds at a time.

Basically, life is starting to feel like "normal" again. I feel like our family is complete with you in it. Thank you for that, also.

I love you, sweet boy.

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