Monday, October 21, 2013

Evolution of an Addiction

I never thought it would be my child. She just didn't seem to have the personality for it. It just didn't fit. I didn't see the signs. We were caught unaware. All the parenting clichés you hear when you find a child has fallen deep down the well of addiction..... face painting.
The first one was free. They always are. And it was a pretty simple design as far as face painting goes. The fact that she sat as still as a statue should have been my first red flag.
The next time, it was free, but with the price of admission. And there was glitter.
Free, but not without cost. My normally antsy and impatient child waited over 30 minutes for this masterpiece. Glitter and butterflies. All over the face.
This happened at school. Clearly the descent into madness has begun. I am still not certain who is behind this little number.
And then there was this weekend. Yes, there was face painting, but it wasn't free. The evil genius behind this operation had a big board with pictures of various designs and their associated prices attached. Prices ranged from $3-$9. Rick immediately balked. Why should we pay for something that we've been getting for free for so long (or the past four weekends)?
Uh, because she's freaking out and we told her there would be face painting. We didn't qualify that she could only do FREE face paining. And, I have to admit, I kind of am entranced by watching my child sit motionless for five minutes. I even contemplated how much it would be to just have a face painter come live with us full time. You should note that a smile is never cracked during any of this. It's all business and has seemed to already lost some of its luster. We are in the maintenance phase of the addiction at this point.
Ultimately, the face was painted. The design is more elaborate, but the level of entertainment/excitement did not increase. Her tolerance is up. I am not sure what the end game is here. Perhaps we just wait out the Halloween season and hope she tapers off.  
One thing is for certain: there's no such thing as a free face paint.


  1. Oh man, this is so great. The seriousness of the situation on Annie's face!!! Avery will not let anyone near her with a paint brush, tattoo, or stamp. She will barely tolerate stickers (unless they are put on our wood floors or sliding glass doors). The Mike Tyson one is my favorite.

  2. "...maintenance phase of the addiction."

    I am crying.
