Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Change of Heart

I am a chatter. I am the person that makes small talk with people in the grocery line, on an airplane, in the doctor's office, where ever I see an opportunity to crack wise with a stranger. I have no idea why I do this, and I think it sort of drives my little introvert husband batty, but whatever. I really can't seem to help myself.

So, yesterday I was in the middle of nowhere, Missouri getting gas and about to head back to St. Louis when this HUGE truck and even HUGER (trust, it's a word) trailer/camper thing pull into the pumps across from me. I am not exaggerating when I say that the whole set up between the truck and the camper took up two whole dispenser islands and then some hanging off the back. This thing was sweet. No cheesy decals with deer and lake scenes to be had on this puppy. Even the tires on the camper had nice rims! There were new, cute bikes hanging off the back. It looked like something straight off the Showcase Showdown. You know, the second one they show, that kicks the ass of the first one that contained a year's supply of mayo and a push lawn mower.

A nice looking older lady stepped around the side of the camper while her husband spent $1,000 in gas to fill up his truck. I had to say something.... 

K: Wow, I want to go on road trips with your family!
OL: Well, work really hard and save lots of money and you can!

Crickets. Slow turn back to my previously scheduled gas pumping.

Um, if the road trip involves lessons on fiscal responsibility and long term savings plans, with a heaping dose of condescension, then I think I'll take a rain check.

But those rims were sweet.

1 comment:

  1. Huger is a word. Being a one syllable word to use it to compare something, the rule is to add -er but omit one "e" so you don't look really stupid by writing hugeer.
