Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Drama

Annie has a rolling suitcase that was a gift from Aunt Naynee (Chaney). It is supposed to carry dolls. She uses it to shuttle her wares from time to time, but mostly it is just used to look super-important whilst walking in circles around our house. Only very busy people use rolling suitcases. Toddlers pick up on these things. She'll start carrying a clip board any day now.

On Saturday, Annie was speedwalking with the suitcase. And screaming with with delight because, HOT DAMN, walking with a suitcase is a good time! No? Just her? Thought so. I digress...

After a few minutes of suitcase racing, we hear an epic crash and silence, then annie moaning. We rush four steps to the other room/other side of the house and see Annie prone on the ground next to the suitcase.

Mom/Dad: Annie! Are you ok?
Annie (in most pathetic voice ever): yaaaaahhhhh

And then she springs up and is back to it.

2 minutes later...CRASH! Repeat the above scenario/dialogue.

This happened about four times. We found it strange that she was a) falling so often, and b) recovering so quickly from these seemingly loud accidents. It is at this point that I realize we could have taken the suitcase away, but since she didn't really seem to be getting hurt-hurt, and was having fun while suitcasing, it never crossed my mind. We did have the presence of mind to start following her to see what was going on. After the fourth time. Quick learners, we are not.

Imagine our surprise when we observed Annie, just when she thought she was out of our supervision, hurling the suitcase to the ground with a thunderous crash, and then gingerly laying down beside it only to start moaning. We went through the whole "are you ok?" scene with her, but because we were laughing this time, instead of the concern in the previous events, I think she knew the jig was up.

So while we are thankful that our daughter is not as clumsy as we had originally thought, we now know she's an accident faking drama queen. Perhaps clumsy isn't so bad.

1 comment:

  1. Crying. I am crying. Charlie likes to "fall," but Annie has taken it to a whole other level. Bravo, Annie. Bravo.
