Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Eyebrows Have It

People mostly tell me Annie looks like her Dad, which is fine by me. I obviously find The Ricker to be quite the looker. But recently Annie's been making some faces that have a little bit of a Mommy look to them.

So, she gets her eyebrows from her Mom. At least hers are raised in joy and appreciation, while mine are typically raised in shock and judgement. All in due time, my darling. And I am sure it's quite obvious that in all 3 pictures, the eyebrows are raised either while eating, or appreciating, a nice sweet treat. Looks like she gets her love of dessert from me too.

(I swear, these pics make it look like she's eating sundaes and oreos on the regular, but if it were such a common event, do you think we would be photographing it or getting such a response? Hmmmm? Put those eyebrows down and quit judging. A girl needs a treat once in a while.)


  1. You two looked like twins in yesterday's hoodie photo as well. Oh, and I gave Mary Clare some M&Ms this morning when Charlie ran off with her Cheerios. No judging here.

  2. Are you kidding? My kid lives on fruit snacks... I'm banking on that "fruit" part of the title to get Chase through.
