Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Dog Days

Today is Parker and Chloe's first day of school. Fifth and third grades, respectively. Unthinkable. One on the verge of middle school. I can remember those transition times so vividly. Trying to sleep the night before school started. Picking out our first day outfits with Mom. Getting all those fabulous new school supplies. It was all so exciting.

Rick and I made the mistake of going to Target this past weekend and fought the throes of people shopping for last-minute supplies to stock their desks and dorm rooms. Annie loved the bustle of it all and only tried to steal my keys once. I made a sideways glance at Rick and commented that in a few years it will be us buying all this stuff for our girl (though we both know he would NEVER allow it to be a last minute purchase). His response, "I don't even want to talk about it." And so we didn't and we hit the dollar bin for a pretend microphone and went about our day.

But I still couldn't stop thinking about Annie and summers and school. So yesterday, on what is for most in our area, the last day of summer break, Annie and I celebrated with a special breakfast out in our PJs (hers more obvious than mine).

We've got five years until our girl starts real school, but I am thinking it will take every one of those five years for me to ready for it. And even then, I doubt we will be. But hopefully we'll still grab breakfast in our PJs the day before, and I am sure that will help.

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