Thursday, September 5, 2013

In the Words fo Dora The Explorer....

...WE DID IT! "It" being that Annie went to her first day of the school before the school before kindergarten. Pre-pre school? I am not even sure what to call it, which is why there was no cutesy sign for her to hold announcing that today was her first day. That, coupled with the fact that I was too busy running around like a maniac, filling out forms and packing extra outfits should Annie decide she wants to be "that kid" that craps her dress on the first day of school.
I, for one, was a bit thankful for the bustling morning. It kept me distracted from the though that my baby was going to a school. Albeit a school before the school. But she would have teachers and classmates and make friends that aren't the friends I force upon her because I am friends with their mom. 
Annie, however, was as cool as a cucumber. She spent the morning drawing and watching Wreck it Ralph. Standard Thursday morning fare.
New dress, old shoes. Because I would NEVER send her off in shoes that had not already been tried and tested on just about every playground in a 3 mile radius. Fun fact: you can't climb up a slide in Toms. Some would argue that you are not supposed to. I am not one of those people.
This is about as good as it got for the pre-pre school picture.
Because it's a big day, and I felt I needed to stuff down my emotions with sugary treats, we stopped for doo-dut (donut) holes. And because I am an Erwin and knew I would arrive obscenely early, the iPad was brought to pacify Annie as we waited for the appropriate arrival time.
We spotted sweet Mary Grace on our way in, who walked with annie and showed her how to properly hold her school bag.
And then we were in the classroom. There was playdoh and hand washing and we hung up our bag and I choked back sobs. There was a boy whose screaming and crying sounded a lot like what was going on inside me, but I held back actual tears. I guess leaving your child in the care of others since they were 8 weeks old has finally started to pay dividends because she hardly noticed my departure.
She sat right down, found her weapon of choice (rolling pin) and waited for someone to try to take her playdoh. It was just as we had discussed. Everyone knows the first rule of pre pre-school is to establish dominance.
So, sweet Annie, once again you showed me how strong you are, though this time without the flexing and baring of teeth. I love you and know you will have a wonderful day. I can't wait to hear all about it over some afternoon doo-duts.


  1. We will be there tomorrow - and we are both SO ready for this.

  2. When she starts recognizing all those crazy things like letters and counting to a billion (not really that high) and you're so excited because your child knows more tricks, it's the best!
