Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Mother's Day

Rick and I seem to have a curse on Mother's Day or Father's Day. Things inevitably go awry and the person that is trying to make the other's day as special as possible ends up frustrated and angry. Sometimes the Mom/Dad also gets a little let down. It's strange because on non-Mother/Father's days, we always have a great time and there are no issues. So I tried to figure out what was different.

The expectations.

Somehow we think that restaurant lines won't be long, Annie will start listening and not running into large crowds of people, the kids will somehow sleep until 9, food will have no calories and no pants will be peed in, just because of some arbitrary date on the calendar.

In the immortal words of Elsa, I just had to "let it go".

All I asked for was to have a picture of all of us together. Somehow we have managed to have two previous mother's days without pictures of all of us. Rick remembered and we got this in at the 11th hour. Annie is aggressively loving on John, John is not amused, Rick is trying to NOT make crazy eyes, and I am hiding all the bodily fluids of others that are staining my shirt.

So it's not a professional photo where everyone's in matching-but-not-matching outfits, casually strolling down a dirt road holding hands in the middle of nowhere, but that's not what motherhood looks like in this house. It's a real pic of my really sweet family on another day where we have fun and real crap happens but we love each other very hard, and that made it a perfect Mother's Day for me.


  1. So well put. Same situation at our house, complete with an excessive amount of bodily fluids.

  2. ugh, i dislike these type of "holidays" for that exact reason : expectations and obligations. Especially people who expect stuff who I really don't like that much. I would have liked to sleep in but since my pregnant body is up by 6 no matter what I do, I got up. Ryan slept in. Then the em effer didn't even make the bed after his morning lounging! Anywho, glad you guys got a family photo. Professional or not, I think the nots are the best in the end. xo

  3. Dustin had a similar comment about the kiddo. He apparently had big plans to get up before me with the kid and make some pancakes. I woke up way before either of them....but I did let him make me pancakes.

    He also had this grand idea that he had to buy me jewelry for Mother's Day. We scoured the jewelry stores but there was really nothing that I needed/wanted/liked and he was seemingly upset with me for not picking out some overpriced piece of jewelry that I didn't currently need/want. Go figure. I would have taken some flowers and been happy.
