Tuesday, August 20, 2013

23 weeks-pregnancy dreams

Boom is around 8.5 inches long and is over a pound now. I feel him kick and move fairly regularly, but I will say that I think he is much less active than Annie was. I am holding out hope that this will be an indication of his actual personality. Don't get me wrong, I love my on-the-go toddler, but the thought of two children with that level of energy makes me want to crawl into a dark cave and sleep.

Speaking of sleep, the most fun new development with the pregnancy is very vivid and bizarre dreams. The other night I dreamt that my ipad was cracked (which it is in real life) and I ate the bottom half of the screen glass. There was this plastic liner over the whole thing that, once I ATE THE GLASS, ended up looking like I had half an iPad in a Ziploc bag. I was regretting that I ATE MY IPAD, so I took my Ziploc iPad to Rick, held it out in front of him and asked, as if there wasn't anything odd about a half eaten iPad, if he thought we could return it.

Last night I had a dream that I was going on a cruise by myself, and that Taylor Swift was my concierge. But she made me call her Jennifer so she could keep a low profile. She said she did this on the side to raise some extra cash. I remember being scared because I felt the cruise ship was dangerous, but relieved that I had my Jennifer with me. Because everyone knows that in a disaster, no one's going to let anything happen to Taylor Swift.

I think I need to stop reading my US Weekly on my iPad before bed. And maybe have a snack instead.


  1. Oh wow! I completely forgot about crazy pregnancy dreams! I had some weird ones with Avery. The one I remember the best is when I gave birth to a cat.

  2. The Taylor Swift dream for the win. I love it.
