Monday, October 13, 2014

A documented first, almost 10 months

Dear John,
While there have been loads of firsts for you already (first solids-4 months, first rolling over-around 6 months, first tooth-7.5 months), almost none of it has been documented here. I remember I documented the first time your sister shed HER FIRST TEAR. That's some serious first time parent crap right there. But yet you bounce blissfully along, undocumented in all your cute glory. I am so sorry, sweet boy.

I don't think the documentation will get any better since you are fully mobile now. As of last week (9.5 months), you are fully mobile and into EVERYTHING. My once docile little hunk is now seemingly incapable of sitting still. And you love to stand. No more time to sit and play with toys. Everything must be reached and once that particular item is obtained, you move on to something else almost instantly.

In light of the changing weather and your new mobility, I figured it was time for some shoes. Now I should add that I had received multiple pairs of cute and fashionable shoes as hand me downs from other friends, but let's just say they didn't quite fit your...ahem...robust foot situation. We needed professional assistance so the fam headed out to the local children's shoe experts this weekend.

You hated it.

Ha-TED it. I am sure those in the front of the store thought you were getting your vaccines or something by how hard you were crying. The salesperson said she had never seen a reaction like that and was clearly troubled by the exchange and said she wasn't going to sleep that night because of how you wailed every time she came near. They had exactly one pair of shoes in stock that fit your perfect portly peds. They wouldn't normally be my first choice, but you wear them well.

Rick said he was just thrilled they had something that fit and didn't emerge from the back with two burlap sacks and a roll of duct tape.

Sporting the size five, double wides, almost in need of a Velcro extension.

And I am not going to dwell on how big you look in them. You are, and will always be, my baby. 

1 comment:

  1. I love him and the muffin top situation we have going on at the ankle area. That boy. He is the best.
