Tuesday, November 26, 2013

37 weeks

This pregnancy, I stand facing my left. I like to mix things up. Keep it interesting. My public demands it.
I am 1.5 cm dilated and 50% effaced. I had to look up effacement on my internet because I can't remember these types of things. It's the thinning of the cervix. And because I am clearly now a biology major, after dropping that kind of knowledge on you, I would also like to inform you that I learned yesterday, during what was an exceptionally enthusiastic pelvic exam, that my cervix is apparently located somewhere around my neckbone. They really should just offer you an epidural from 36 weeks on. You hear that, Obama?
I came down with a sinus infection last Tuesday night. I remember joking that of course I was getting sick, because Rick was about to leave for three days. I need to learn to not joke about things like that. I was miserable, I couldn't sleep, I couldn't breathe, and when I wasn't crying from being so miserable, my eyes continued to water from the ongoing sinus pressure. Annie and I survived and Rick returned home on Friday to rescue us all. He took Annie to the store to purchase provisions, which involved candy for me (I only want candy when I am sick). When some Nosy McLoserface made the comment "nice dinner, dad" (as annie was no doubt frolicking around in the cart surrounded by skittles and peanut butter M&M's) Annie looked up and screamed at the guy "My MOM IS SICK!!!!!!"
I love my people.
We are on the road to recovery here. I am weaning myself off the afrin. And the candy. John seems to be as lively as ever (probably from all the candy) and remains in the head down position. He switches from laying on his left and right side and I can feel his little feet around my ribs when he tries to stretch. We set a date for induction of 12/16 if there is no development prior to then. 
Really, we just need to make it through this week with no baby as the Erwin support staff is running on a skeleton crew, and I don't want to eat a hospital's version of Thanksgiving. We will continue to lay low and let baby J continue to cook and count the days until 12/16.  

1 comment:

  1. This post made me laugh out loud, literally, LOL. You poor thing. Ugh. Hate being sick even if it's a headache while pregnant because everything seems to intensify 100x's. I bet you're so happy this is over. About a month before F was born, I couldn't walk without any pain/discomfort, etc. because he liked to rest on my hip. And, then it was amazing, once he was out, I was cured! It's amazing how hard it can be on our bodies.
