Tuesday, October 8, 2013

30 weeks

Well HELLOOOOO there, belly! It looks like I ate Waldo.
We are 30 weeks pregnant as of today. That's 75% complete. Those who know me and my scholastic career know I would never settle for 75% so we will continue to press forward until we are as close to 100% as possible. I am not looking to be any spectacular over-achiever like I was with Annie's pregnancy, so I will settle for not exceeding 100% of my allotted pregnancy time this go round.
John/Boom is about 18 inches long, a little over 3 pounds and is almost the length he will be at birth, which is nice to think about. Given the lack of real estate in my "vessel", I don't like to think of him getting too much longer.
I was wrong when I stated previously that we had another month until we went to visits every two weeks. We are now going every two weeks to be measured and listen for the heart beat. Then, at 36 weeks they will start checking me for "progress". That's when the real invasive fun starts to ramp up. At yesterday's appointment I measured 31 weeks, which I think happened with Annie as well. Dr. J didn't seem alarmed by it. I then went through my list of ailments to make sure I am not missing some opportunity for relief. It basically sounds like everything I am feeling is perfectly normal, although admittedly cause for discomfort. The most notable new development is the sensation of being stabbed in a part of my female anatomy that shall not be mentioned in a blog that is read by my in-laws and my grandfather. And the "stabbing" word was the Doctor's, not mine, but I find it 100% accurate. Apparently that's just pressure on nerve endings. No big deal. Unless it causes you to cry out in pain in the middle of a conference call. They needed to be paying closer attention anyway. It's fine.
Dr. J did make one comment that I am holding on to. He said "we just need for you to stay pregnant for six more weeks. That's all you have to do."
Six weeks.
6 more Saturdays with just the three of us. I can't think too much about this without getting choked up/freaking out.
What seemed like an eternity before that comment now seems to be a blink away. I find myself torn between wanting the time to go by quickly and wishing it would just stand still so I can soak up every bit of these last weeks with Annie.
I need Team Botanical to make me a punch list of to-do things before the baby gets here, but my mind is too all over the place to even figure that out. We have clothes, we have a bed, we have a car seat (that needs to be cleaned-add that to the list, Debbie), but we have a boat load of stuff that I loaned out that I need to retrieve. That's the last major piece of this puzzle.
And then after that, I can be found at home, washing my heartburn medicine down with my fiber drink, making trips to the bathroom every 14 minutes, loving on my soon-to-be-big-sister and waiting for 6-10 weeks to pass. Here's to hoping it goes by fast...but not too fast.


  1. I think I did too when I read "6 more Saturdays with just the three of us." what the shit? how did that happen? SIX weeks?!?! And you are looking good! Where's Waldo was one of my favorites.

  2. I meant to say "I think I did a *GULP* too when I read..."

  3. 6 weeks... you got this! Milk it, lady!
