Thursday, June 6, 2013

Back Story

So one of the main reasons I announced the pregnancy a bit early is because the pregnancy was announced to the world on Tuesday via a Wall Street Journal article. I received exactly one text from a friend that actually reads the paper (online I am guessing). To speed things along, and to see who reads for meaning, I also posted a link to the article on facebook. I figured this would be an interesting experiment because my dear Ricker "read" the article and didn't pick up on the fact that it mentioned we were expecting baby #2. I also wanted to see if ANYONE would actually read an article on Fertility and Advanced Maternal Age on facebook.

I guess they showed me.

So then I was outed and it was fun that Boom's announcement was via the Wall Street Journal.

How did we end up in the WSJ, you ask? Well, it's because I am a total loud mouth on the internet. Shocking, I know. Sumathi Reddi wrote an article about how playgrounds were "too safe" and highlighted spaces across the country that were bucking this trend. Because I never miss an opportunity to pimp out my husband, I sent her an email that kindly pointed out that she missed out on mentioning the coolest playground in the history of playgrounds: City Museum.

Ms. Reddi was kind enough to respond and clarified that she was focusing on free/public spaces but said that I wasn't the only one to bring this to her attention. From that point on, I was on her mailing list of potential sources for stories she was working on. When I received the email asking if anyone had a doctor that was up front and honest with them about fertility issues/pregnancy risk that increased with age, I responded and told her my story. The rest, is history.

But it didn't stop there.

Apparently 6/3 was a slow news day, because I was contacted that afternoon via facebook by the booking producer for The Today Show. The message stated that they had seen the WSJ article and wanted to do a piece on me/Annie. She also mentioned that they could come to us, immediately dashing my images of the three of us jetting off to NYC to hang with Matt and Samantha. And Al too, but maybe mostly just Matt. And Samantha.

I responded to the facebook message with skepticism and requesting she verify who she said she was. I was convinced that this person was just trolling for our address so they could come by and swipe me, Annie, or Boom. Or all three of us. The pregnant mind can go to some dark places, yo. But then Sumathi confirmed that she had been contacted as well and it was legit.

I gave them my number and by 3:45 that afternoon we were making arrangements for them to be at the house by 5:30-6. They wanted "slice of life" images, that I shouldn't be too dolled up and it was ok if the house was not spotless. As I had been out in the field all day, was covered in dirt and had the world's worst farmer's BURN, I knew I could deliver slice of life with a heaping scoop of "is this woman fit to care for herself AND two children?" but that didn't keep me from trying to appear normal. I had no time to go to the store, so America was about to see me feeding Annie veggie corn dogs, canned green beans, and yogurt. I could already hear the online comments in my head. Maybe if she stayed home, everything wouldn't be from a can/box." "Maybe if she hadn't waited so long to have kids, she wouldn't be so tired."

But then the one logical part of my brain that isn't consumed by this pregnancy (imagine the size of a pencil eraser) reminded me that I suck at cooking, and I have always been tired, and if America wants Annie to have homemade dinners every night, they are more than welcome to bring that shiz by so Momma can get her beauty rest.

And then all that went out the window because they didn't show up until 7. I don't think I will go too much more into the experience because it's still a little fresh and I don't want to seem ungrateful for the opportunity. Let's just say toddlers+camera crews+past bedtimes+unfed pregnant woman=horror.


But, my big pregnant pie face and my beautiful family was on national television and a very important time in our lives was shared with a LOT of people, so I'd say that makes it all worth it.

You can check out the segment here.


  1. Oh, thank heavens. My entire family was dying to know how this came to pass. Great stuff.

    (Also, Chip would like you to know that he reads the WSJ every day. But he's old school, so that business is print.)

  2. You are too funny. I am sure the dirt & dust from the field work gave you a nice tan appearance.

  3. This is so cool! SO cool!

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